How we grow?
The most modern greenhouse for growing tomatoes in Slovakia.
About Farm
Our tomatoes
We grow 12 months of the year the most delicious tomato varieties.
Our Tomatoes
Where to buy?
In Tesco, Billa, Kaufland, Lidl and Terno. Or at our farm in Kameničany.
Where to buy
We grow Pesticides free
Our vegetables meet the same strict parameters as organic or infant food in terms of (non-)pesticide content.
“We are the first and only grower in the Slovak Republic to introduce a system of year-round cultivation of fruiting vegetables in a greenhouse without pesticide residues.”

How we work Progress and innovation
The most modern greenhouse for growing tomatoes in Slovakia was built near the village of Kameničany which is situated in unspoilt countryside close to the White Carpathians and the Czech-Slovak border.

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